Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Extremely Profession Receipt

So, I couldn't post last week because I was recovering from a shock.  Turns out today I'm also recovering from a shock, but thought I'd be diligent in posting anyone.

The first shock came when I received a really big package from Homeland Security.  I was so excited!  I was jumping up and down, screaming, dancing.  Then I opened the envelope.  It was all my paperwork sent back to me with a rejection notice and an invitation to reapply.  Turns out that the fees changed in between the schedule I received and the submission of my application to USCIS.  Also, they couldn't prove my citizenship or that Noé and I are married.  I quickly made all the appropriate copies and Noé visited the county clerk for the marraige certificate.  We were in the post office to overnight everything that same day.

Then yesterday I got another letter in the mail from the Department of Homeland Security.  I opened it and it was a beautiful certificate.  It was done very professionally.  I jumped up and down and yelled and twirled and got everyone in my house very excited along with me.  And then I read it.  It was simple a receipt saying they'd cashed all my washingtons.  I guess I lie.  It was not a simple receipt.  It was quite elaborate.  Complete with Homeland Security official seal and everything!  I feel very toyed with at this point.  They need to invest in plain white paper.

So, they've taken our money, made it theirs and now we wait for fingerprinting and approval.  We're still running against the clock, so pray that it won't sit on someone's desk.
